Thursday, December 8, 2011
I've been MIA
Yes, I know I've been MIA. Sorry about that :). You might have noticed me
in the comments of other bloggers, so you know I've been keeping up with things.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I gave birth to my beautiful
little one. Alhamdullilah.
If you are on my private blog you can read my unassisted birth story, inshallah.
It is graphic though, so if you don't want to hear about blood and vaginas, you
probably shouldn't read it.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I've been MIA
Yes, I know I've been MIA. Sorry about that :). You might have noticed me
in the comments of other bloggers, so you know I've been keeping up with things.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I gave birth to my beautiful
little one. Alhamdullilah.
If you are on my private blog you can read my unassisted birth story, inshallah.
It is graphic though, so if you don't want to hear about blood and vaginas, you
probably shouldn't read it.
- Ayah said...
wa alaikum salaam,
Mabrook on the arrival of your little one!! May Allah(swt) bless and protect your little family, and may He guide you to raise him/her as a righteous Muslim, ameen!
I'm just curious...because I've been looking into birthing options...which sadly aren't as varied here in Morocco as they are in the U.S., how you chose to go with an unassisted home birth. If it's too personal, you don't have to answer, it's fine, but I'm just trying to research my options. Currently I'm thinking of doing an unmedicated vaginal birth at a birthing clinic. I've read a lot of horror stories about the medication they give you, and frankly I'd much rather go "au naturale" sounds like a much more pleasant experience. -
December 9, 2011 at 4:26 AM
- Fafa Lane said...
can u add me in ur priv blog.
Silla -
December 9, 2011 at 4:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Asslamu alaikum!!
Alhamdulillah, I have been thinking of you and where you went. May Allah protect and bless you and your little one. I'm glad to hear that you didn't post for a good reason. Congratulations <3
Is there a way to get onto your private blog? -
December 9, 2011 at 5:44 AM
- Skye said...
0o0o0o alabaster sooo glad your back alhamdulillah and omgggg ALHAMDULILLAH MABROUKK ON YOUR NEW BABYYY!!!!! so happy for u sis mwaa mwa mwaaaaaa ohh and I didnt even know u had a private blog may I plz read? -
December 9, 2011 at 5:58 AM
- muslimah93 said...
Salaam!! Mabrook!!! Ive missed youuu!! Ameen to Ayah's dua! Can you alsoo add me to your private blogg? On my gmail email. Do you have itt? =)
December 9, 2011 at 7:55 AM
- habibiya3ayni said...
Allahhhhu Akbar!! mashaallah mashaallah mashaallah!!
i want to read the story pleaseee(: -
December 9, 2011 at 8:50 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
@aya. Jazackallahu khairn for commenting!! Ive actually been wondering how you are since you shut down your blog. Inshallah all is well with you ameen!! I will definetly answer your questions inshallah as soon as i am on my on my phone right now.
December 9, 2011 at 10:44 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
@im farsilla
You are already on there look through who you are subscribed to, any new blog posts will not show up on your reader feed or whatever its called. :D -
December 9, 2011 at 10:46 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
Jazakallahu khairn! And ameen to your dua. Do you have an email address? And possibly tell me who you are so i know who i am adding inshallah. -
December 9, 2011 at 10:48 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
Heyyyy asalaamu alaikum!!!! So glad you are still checking up on your blog too :) You are too funny mashallah. I already added you a longgg time ago, so just check through who you are subscribed to. Im pretty sure both blogs will be listed together. :D -
December 9, 2011 at 10:50 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
Asalaamu alaikum sis! You are sooo sweet mashallah i got your phone call- i was trying my best to sleep in lol so i just saw it a couple of minutes ago. Butttt just incase you didnt know it, im incredibly shy to talk on the phone. I have no idea why. This is probably why i have a blog lol. -
December 9, 2011 at 10:53 AM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
@Habibiya3ayni: Hey what happened to you! I only got to read like 3 blog posts from your site! You had me allll excited lol and then you vanished. I guess i wasnt much better :P. But go check your email i sent you a request to join my blog inshallah
December 9, 2011 at 10:59 AM
- Fafa Lane said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
December 9, 2011 at 3:24 PM
- monamour said...
I really wish I could read the story/private blog
December 11, 2011 at 5:01 AM
- Unknown said...
congratulations on your new baby! could i read the private blog? :) would love to read your birth story!
December 13, 2011 at 8:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Assalamu alaikum,
I was the first anon and I asked you about joining your blog. I've been sick, sorry I didn't write back.
I don't really feel comfortable putting my e-mail address up, but do you have one for your blog? If not, then insha'Allah I can just follow this blog whenever you post stuff.
Take care -
December 20, 2011 at 5:04 PM
Umaymah said...
assalamu alaykum sis
Ive been following your blog for quite a while. I keep coming back to check for updates for ages! lol
Im currently overdue with baby number 3, planning my 3rd homebirth :)
would really love to read your birth story? pwease :)
my email is
all the best with the new bubs. savour it coz it goes fast!
ummAadam -
December 25, 2011 at 5:14 AM
- Um Dayo said...
I miss you! I really want to read your birth story since we are in Egypt now and planning a homebirth, inshallah assisted, but a homebirth nonetheless. Oh please add me to your private blog!
March 27, 2012 at 12:15 AM
- single4now said...
MashaAllah! Alf mabrook!
How awful that I only came across this beautiful news now. I hope you and your baby are doing well.
May Allah keep you both in the best of health and he is brought up to be a Mumin who is loved by Allah. Ameen. :) -
June 2, 2012 at 2:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Asa, can you plz add me to your private blog , i'm looking into unassisted birth option and it would really help.
June 20, 2012 at 6:22 AM
- busyamatullaah said...
as salamu 'aleyki
How do I go about getting access to your story ? I am currently expecting my 5th inshaaAllaah. Had 2 hospital, c-section and vbac and 2 unassisted births with the same midwife but she came after the first was born and was out of sight for the second and only available when and if I needed her. No pitocins, no episiotomies, none of that. I am so tired of reading uc according to philosophical views and all that are so stray from excited to hear and read about a muslimah's perspective -
January 7, 2013 at 9:23 PM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
@busy amatullah: inshallah if you give me your email address I can send you the story! I know what you mean, so many beautiful UC stories ruined by mentions of false gods and godesses, and of moon worshiping etc. we need some TAWHEED!!
January 10, 2013 at 4:26 PM
- Ayesha239 said...
Asa, can i plz get in touch with you regarding unassisted expecting my second inshaAllah and am trying to prepare for unassisted birth.need some guidance on how to prepare
January 12, 2013 at 11:21 PM
- AlabasterMuslim said...
@ayesha239:Inshallah if you give me your email address I can email you. Just write DO NOT POST so that I know not to. Or you can email me directly at and we can keep in touch there inshallah.
January 15, 2013 at 6:59 AM
wa alaikum salaam,
Mabrook on the arrival of your little one!! May Allah(swt) bless and protect your little family, and may He guide you to raise him/her as a righteous Muslim, ameen!
I'm just curious...because I've been looking into birthing options...which sadly aren't as varied here in Morocco as they are in the U.S., how you chose to go with an unassisted home birth. If it's too personal, you don't have to answer, it's fine, but I'm just trying to research my options. Currently I'm thinking of doing an unmedicated vaginal birth at a birthing clinic. I've read a lot of horror stories about the medication they give you, and frankly I'd much rather go "au naturale" sounds like a much more pleasant experience.
can u add me in ur priv blog.
Asslamu alaikum!!
Alhamdulillah, I have been thinking of you and where you went. May Allah protect and bless you and your little one. I'm glad to hear that you didn't post for a good reason. Congratulations <3
Is there a way to get onto your private blog?
0o0o0o alabaster sooo glad your back alhamdulillah and omgggg ALHAMDULILLAH MABROUKK ON YOUR NEW BABYYY!!!!! so happy for u sis mwaa mwa mwaaaaaa ohh and I didnt even know u had a private blog may I plz read?
Salaam!! Mabrook!!! Ive missed youuu!! Ameen to Ayah's dua! Can you alsoo add me to your private blogg? On my gmail email. Do you have itt? =)
Allahhhhu Akbar!! mashaallah mashaallah mashaallah!!
i want to read the story pleaseee(:
@aya. Jazackallahu khairn for commenting!! Ive actually been wondering how you are since you shut down your blog. Inshallah all is well with you ameen!! I will definetly answer your questions inshallah as soon as i am on my on my phone right now.
@im farsilla
You are already on there look through who you are subscribed to, any new blog posts will not show up on your reader feed or whatever its called. :D
Jazakallahu khairn! And ameen to your dua. Do you have an email address? And possibly tell me who you are so i know who i am adding inshallah.
Heyyyy asalaamu alaikum!!!! So glad you are still checking up on your blog too :) You are too funny mashallah. I already added you a longgg time ago, so just check through who you are subscribed to. Im pretty sure both blogs will be listed together. :D
Asalaamu alaikum sis! You are sooo sweet mashallah i got your phone call- i was trying my best to sleep in lol so i just saw it a couple of minutes ago. Butttt just incase you didnt know it, im incredibly shy to talk on the phone. I have no idea why. This is probably why i have a blog lol.
@Habibiya3ayni: Hey what happened to you! I only got to read like 3 blog posts from your site! You had me allll excited lol and then you vanished. I guess i wasnt much better :P. But go check your email i sent you a request to join my blog inshallah
I really wish I could read the story/private blog
congratulations on your new baby! could i read the private blog? :) would love to read your birth story!
Assalamu alaikum,
I was the first anon and I asked you about joining your blog. I've been sick, sorry I didn't write back.
I don't really feel comfortable putting my e-mail address up, but do you have one for your blog? If not, then insha'Allah I can just follow this blog whenever you post stuff.
Take care
assalamu alaykum sis
Ive been following your blog for quite a while. I keep coming back to check for updates for ages! lol
Im currently overdue with baby number 3, planning my 3rd homebirth :)
would really love to read your birth story? pwease :)
my email is
all the best with the new bubs. savour it coz it goes fast!
I miss you! I really want to read your birth story since we are in Egypt now and planning a homebirth, inshallah assisted, but a homebirth nonetheless. Oh please add me to your private blog!
MashaAllah! Alf mabrook!
How awful that I only came across this beautiful news now. I hope you and your baby are doing well.
May Allah keep you both in the best of health and he is brought up to be a Mumin who is loved by Allah. Ameen. :)
Asa, can you plz add me to your private blog , i'm looking into unassisted birth option and it would really help.
as salamu 'aleyki
How do I go about getting access to your story ? I am currently expecting my 5th inshaaAllaah. Had 2 hospital, c-section and vbac and 2 unassisted births with the same midwife but she came after the first was born and was out of sight for the second and only available when and if I needed her. No pitocins, no episiotomies, none of that. I am so tired of reading uc according to philosophical views and all that are so stray from excited to hear and read about a muslimah's perspective
@busy amatullah: inshallah if you give me your email address I can send you the story! I know what you mean, so many beautiful UC stories ruined by mentions of false gods and godesses, and of moon worshiping etc. we need some TAWHEED!!
Asa, can i plz get in touch with you regarding unassisted expecting my second inshaAllah and am trying to prepare for unassisted birth.need some guidance on how to prepare
@ayesha239:Inshallah if you give me your email address I can email you. Just write DO NOT POST so that I know not to. Or you can email me directly at and we can keep in touch there inshallah.
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